just a little less sane than yesterday

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

And so it begins

Here I am... sitting in front of a blankety screen, typing on a sticky keyboard, trying to put my thoughts in to words... Understandable words. I COULD just start speaking in bisaya (or heck, make a whole new language all together) but somehow that seems to defeat the purpose of the blog yes?

Walay gamit kung mag yawyaw nalang ko ngari nga puro bisaya, ma sapot unya mo nako kay ala moy nasabtan sa akong pag blog. Right?


It is currently 5:18 according to the clock on the wall in front of me. I was suppossed to meet someone named Charm from ES nearly a hour ago. she said she would text. She has not. therefore I am here! In the lib... (aja!) It has occurred to me that I havent blogged in over a month... possibly approaching two but hey, Im not keeping count so what would I know? Im not feeling quite so eloquent today (but according to our Eng 12 class---> like hell thats going to stop me!) my blog... my time... my nonsense and/or crap... your problem for sticking around to read it >_<

Sorry... were a weeeee bit unhappy today... (and by we, I mean me, and the voices in my head) I suppose Im not adjusting to this whole "college experience" as well as I should be. wouldnt it be helpful if someone could just come over and bitch slap some sense into me? Ahhhh... If only it were that easy... Clarity, but a bitch slap away... I suppose the person who does the bitch slapping would probably require huge hands and humongous biceps to be able to whack that much of a change into my noggin... Hmmmm what if I put up an ad in the classifieds? Senseless girl seeking large handed, muscular armed individual to bitchslap sense into her. No previous experience required. Or I could just hire someone to shoot me in the back of my head while Im not looking... O_O Its a pretty neat way to go... Lalalalalalalalalalala.... Bang.

Theoretically; Im dead now and it would be awkward if I kept blogging... me being dead and all.... you know... yeah...

time of death: 5:34 pm

I'll probably have to be resurected for school tomorow though...






Blogger ishee said...

morganza hunny,

oh, schoool. maka-kapoy. and to think ala pa man ta kaayo ginahimo. what more in the days to come. huhu. kill self. then, resurrect... resurrect... incarnate... reborn... speakin' of reborn. ano yung hair reborn thingy sa mga salons? i'm seeEEoooOOwWW curious. mag-ask kaya ako. pero i'm not gonna have it done. ala kong munny. ask lang... ang-weird kasi pakinggan. it conjures images of little chicks [why? dunno why.] and amniotic fluid in my head. weird head. ok. i think that's enuf crap.

by the way this is,

p.s. u don't like charm very much do you?

7:41 AM  
Blogger Stephanie Tornilla said...

That remains to be seen... I dont know her very well so Im not going to say anything negative about her. She seems relatively nice man... nya Im going to be spending a lot of time with her (ES group and all that jazzz....) so its better if I keep my hopes up and believe in her niceness :O diba?

I think the "hair reborn thing is just a new catch phrase for rebonded hair... I dunno... Why would you want to do anything to your hair anyway?? Its so nice and fluffy!!! :D lalang... naa kay blog? pa read beh... O_O;

1:27 AM  
Blogger ishee said...




tag me ha. kasi i lost my chatterbox id while reconstructing my template. ahck. hate it when that happens.


6:46 AM  
Blogger ishee said...


nice and fluffy?!?!

more like baga and init.

boohuhu. :)

6:47 AM  
Blogger Stephanie Tornilla said...

bahala ka... I think its nice and fluffy :D ahahaha... karon ra sad ko kabantay dah... Morganza???

weird... @.@

9:17 PM  
Blogger ishee said...

haha. from morgan as in gani. i like it. that's what i'm calling u fm now on... :)

3:36 AM  

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