just a little less sane than yesterday

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

In answer to my random question

The answer to the random question for your profile can only be 150 characters... I dont think a story that short would dp justice to the tale of theodore (or satisfy the children for that matter) sooooo... for the children's (and child minded) sake, here is the story of the frog with a wig.

Once upon a time there was a three eyed bullfrog named Theodore... He was strange, not because he had three eyes (thats 'special') but because he had the feeling that a colony of aliens would one day plummet from the sky and invade his mind.

Theodore felt that the only way to stop this from happening was to sheild his head and 'hide' it from the evil aliens. So he got a wig. Now, this was no ordinary wig! It was a wig made by the nasal fairies by the light of the gibbous moon from the nose hairs of the great Shalarahooorah. this wig possessed the amazing power of immediate and prolonged itchiness. which by the way was an intresting predicament for a frog to have since their flippers arent very good for scratching around with.

The other frogs thought that Theodore was foolish for having this wig, and willingly subjecting himself to daily itchiness just to hide his scalp. Theodore bore their insults, knowing that one day the aliens would come... one day, they would take over the mind of every amphibian on earth, upsetting the ecological balance, and thrusting the world into utter chaos!!!

Its been 28 years. The aliens have yet to appear. and Theodore is always itchy...

For those of you (Jomar....) who need a moral for the story, it is this...

>> make sure you get a wig that isnt itchy. O_o;




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