just a little less sane than yesterday

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Irritated depression

Why do I even bother?

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Your designation is NOT your job description.

Just because were lower than you on the fucking flow chart does NOT mean that we are your lackeys.

We are NOT suppossed to do all the legwork while you loiter around sitting pretty on the sidelines.

This is suppossed to be a team effort. You do NOT just show up when you feel like it.

You do NOT have the right to lecture us on what we should have done and how its all wrong when weve been doing the best we can WITHOUT any help from your sorry asses.

Being busy with acads is NOT a viable excuse. Especially since your not as busy as some who still make time for this.

You do NOT have the right to patronize me and even less than that to be condescending.

Go stuff a durian down your skinny little throat you insufferable bug eyed bitch. And would that your itoy follows suit. Its NOT like we would miss you.

I know who Im reffering to. maybe you do too. I dont give a damn. more importantly, Im NOT taking any of it back.

I am NOT a nice person. If you throw shit at me it sure as hell is coming right back at you.