just a little less sane than yesterday

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Bye bye puppy

A haircut. I've been wanting one for a while and I've needed one for an even longer time. I'd been waiting to go home and have it done at Bridges but things didn't really work out the last time I went home *see previous post* So I thought bridges be damned and got myself a haircut on Saturday after eating a late lunch with RJ at Trinoma.--We ate at this place called Bigoli which is almost exactly the same as Fazolis in Eastwood.. I sense a copycat/break-away partner lol-- He dropped me off at Katipunan before leaving to pick up his mom at the airport for some sort of Siliman Sunday in Los Banos.

The deed was done in Azta: a hair salon along Katipunan on the second floor of a building beside Rustans. It was hihghly recommended by Tara and Drea so I wasn't unduly worried. The stylist was a calm looking gay man, wearing a bright blue and green shirt that clung to the small paunch he sported. He finished the hair of the girl beside me with a flourish before turning his attention to me, commenting in slight dismay at the sheer amount of product-less hair hangning from my head. He tentatively held out a lank with his pinky cocked while I told him to chop off a couple of inches. then he snapped his fingers and an assistant came up behind me for prep.
After the wash and rinse routine, I sat myself back down and took out my chinese book to review chapter 11, catching the salon assisstant giving me a weird look as she discretely placed a selection of fashion magazines in front of me. Ignoring the well-meaning gesture i settled in and continued memorizing characters. Preoccupied with deciding whether the symbol for hui looked more like a hut or drawn stage curtains, I didn't pay a lot of attention during the actual hair cutting. I looked up at the mirror which I had been ignoring for the past 15 minutes and was surprised to see that he had chopped off more than "a couple of inches." Not that the result was bad. I've received mixed reactions but none of them were negative. It is decidedly shorter though... I shook my head experimentally, slightly weirded out by how light my head felt, post haircut, and looked down to see my freshly severed hair being swept into a pile big enough to for a small puppy. Hmmm... that explains the lightness.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Turn left, Turn right

Turn left, Turn right is the first Chinese film from Warner Bros and was featured in the Loyola Film Circle's Fete du Film, screened at Ateneo in Escaler Hall yesterday. We got extra points in Chinese for watching. The movie is in chinese (and Polish for the poem) and subbed in English. It's a sweet romantic drama/comedy with a host of facepalm moments. The protagonists, played by Takeshi Kaneshiro ( student # 763092) and Gigi Leung (student #784533) couldn't possibly get any more star crossed.

Kaneshiro's character is talented young violinist while Leung plays a translator. Both are introverted and well, kinda weird. The plot revolves around the fact that they live in the same building, but
because Leung has the habit of turning left upon leaving the apartment while Kaneshiro turns right, they never meet .

Well.. that's not entirely true. Throughout the whole movie they meet thrice ^_^ One of these times is a chance encounter in the park--the result of a gust of wind and a sheaf of papers landing in a fountain. When they get to talking, we're lead through a flashback revealing that they had met for the first time at a joint school trip 10 years previously, but only knew each other by their student numbers... Which is how they continue to refer to each other throughout the film. They get stuck in a sudden downpour and seperate after exchanging numbers... But as luck would have it, the numbers get washed out by the rain. The rest of the movie unfolds and they keep just barely missing each other. It's just a matter of minutes and meters between these two and it reaches the point of being ridiculous.

Turn left turn right is based on the book A chance of sunshine by Jimmy Liao, inspired by the Poem by Polish poetess Wislawa Szymborska entitled "Milosc od pierwszego wejrzenia" or "Love at first sight" This provides the dramatic element in the story. After having lost each other, and looking obbsessively for ages, it's rather painful to discover that if you'd just turned around, been 3 minutes earlier, taken the overpass, or turned right instead of left you would have found them. You would have wound up right on their doorstep. This wasn't the original context of the poem. But both takes on it are equally uber. Here's the excerpt that they used in the movie (though I took the liberty of splicing a bit of the original english translation and the movie translation (i.e. the english translation of the chinese translation))

Both are convinced
that a sudden surge of emotion bound them together
Beautiful is such certainty
but uncertainty is more beautiful

Because they had never met before
They are sure that there had been nothing between them
But what say the streets stairways and corridors?
Perhaps they have met a million times.

I'd like to ask them whether they remember
A moment, face to face in a revolving door
An "excuse me" muttered in a crowd
Or a curt "wrong number" in the receiver

But I know their answer
"No" they don't remember.

They would be greatly astonished to learn
that chance had been playing with them for years
Not yet wholly ready to transform into their destiny
It approached them, then backed off
Stood in their way and, suppressing a giggle, jumped to the side


It makes you want to pay more attention to the people around you instead of just tuning them out while you lock yourself in a little bubble while commuting or walking down the street, concentrating on projecting an evil aura to ward of snatchers. I give this movie a 4.5 star rating. The only reason it's not a 5 is the epic facepalm ending which I won't tell you for the sake of not being a spoiler. ;P Watch it.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The word of the day is...


or mucus, take your pick.

Went home to Cebu for the long weekend but ended up getting sick. Thankfully it's just a cold, which is really the only sickness that gets to me. But well, I don't think a grumpy, disheveled, snuffling and alternately leaking person makes for very good company >.< Mommy started nagging about picking a minor and that didn't help a whole lot either. Basically spent the weekend catching up on movies and stuff, though towards the end I couldn't really appreciate anything very much anymore. The opening of the Beijing Olympics for example, is a lot less spectacular when viewed through a haze of snot. Kung Fu Panda, August Rush, and Definitely maybe were really good movies though :) Thankfully I watched these before the mucus took over my sinuses.

Got on the plane back to Manila today, popped a decolgen and a paracetamol then cleared my sinuses with Drixin. Drugs do wonders. ^_^ The plane ride was uneventful except for a little turbulence towards the end. I was surrounded by old people again. Strangley my plane seatmates are always either old people or babies. Not that i'm complaining about the pleasant pruney man who was seated next to me this morning, I prefer the old people to the babies any day.

I was feeling pretty chipper until the meds started to wear off a little after lunch time. Had to pass on a trip to the National museum T.T Gyarrrr.. Hopefully this cold doesn't last very much longer. Its a bit of a bummer to have to breathe through my mouth all the time. And my coherence is starting to suffer from the mucus coating my brain. Plus I have a long test in history to deal with this friday. *insert atempt to sigh which turned into a cough instead* I think I'll take more drugs now, thank you.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Character sketch...

...for my (now level 3!) Dwarven Cleric Dungeons and Dragons Character. I decided to give myself 30 minutes before I start flogging my brain with budgets and costing again. *offers up a silent prayer to the great Sir MauMau, pleading for an easy 2nd Accounting 101 long test* This also serves as an outlet for my frustration at not having been able to join the Dumaguete campaign. >.< Rawr.

Character Name: Garrhel Gender: Female Race: Dwarf Class: Cleric
Alignment: Neutral Height: 4'8" Weight: 237 pounds (SOLID haha)
Deity: Sehanine

Ability Scores: Defense:
Strength: 12 AC: 18
Constitution: 12 Fort: 11
Dexterity: 14 Ref: 12
Intelligence:10 Will: 16
Wisdom: 18
Charisma: 15 HP: 34

Feats: Weapons:
Ritual Caster Warhammer: 1d10+5
Astral Fire Flaming great sword: 1d10+1d6 continuos fire damage
Dwarven Weapon Training

Spells: Features:
Lance of Faith Turn Undead
Sacred Flame Divine Fortune
Divine Glow Healer's Lore
Cascade of Light Healing Word
Blazing Beacon

This is actually the second version of the character sketch. The original (which is on the page next to my caricature of Sir Badirri at the back of my Chinese notebook) had too much armor for a (at the time) 2nd level character so I decided to have another go at it. I got scolded by RJ when he saw the orginal size of the warhammer. XD So I got some reference pics (mostly WHO40K images) and now we have the monstrosity in the picture. The middle bit looks kinda girly imo but what the hell. Hmmm, I just realized that I forgot to draw the greatsword (Greatsword/Broadsword/Bastardsword (?)... basta I remember it was flaming :D hahaha hooray for loot) Might photoshop it in nalang when I get around to coloring this... After the 2 other things lined up in my projects folder- which has more stuff in it now! wheeee...

Ah well...now 5 minutes are all that seperate me from Indirect Overhead costpools and Cash Budgets and Scheduling. *cry*

Friday, August 08, 2008

The things they mean...

Yawa na nasad ning passive aggressive na pagka-amaw. >.<

That aside it's passably interesting. (Which goes to show how bland school has made me. Gawd.)

- Kiss on the Upperchest: I'm ready.
- Kiss on the Forehead: We're cute together.
- Kiss on the Cheek: We're friends.
- Kiss on the Hand: I adore you.
- Kiss on the Neck: I want you, now.
- Kiss on the Shoulder: You're perfect.
- Kiss on the Lips: I think I like you.


- Holding Hands: We definitely like each other.
- Touching on the Butt: You're fun.
- Holding you tight pressed against each other: I want you.
- Looking into each other's Eyes: I like you, for who you are.
- Playing with Hair: Let's fool around.
- Arms around the Waist: I like you too much to let go.
- Laughing while Kissing: I am completely comfortable with you.


- If you were thinking about someone while reading this, you're definitely in love.


- Post this again after reading or you will have a bad year of relationships.


- and can't get them out of your head.

- then re-post this within One Minute and whoever you are missing will surprise you.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Ring around the rosies...

... and other things that children sing without knowing what it really means.

. . . Isn't innocence grand?