just a little less sane than yesterday

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

this isn't fill in the blanks...

...though you probably automatically do anyway xD but that's the problem with making assumptions. Taken from loi who was linked to by Dea :P


This made me lol and feel infinitely better after all the paperwork.. I think I've been spending too much time around guys lately xD

Saturday, September 20, 2008

only too true

I was cleaning... to avoid studying for a while... and came across a bit of scratch paper from Chris's last night out in Manila (this was more than a month ago and just goes to show what a disorganized creature I am) We had dinner--after wandering down the entire length of the strip like area across from MoA--at some place where we polished of a taster platter and rice good for "5" people while chatting continuously over the live band playing oldies jazzish ewan songs.

With it still being relatively early we went for dessert at Friday's where we met up with Anjo and his entourage, composed of Freddy, Leal, Elise, Magsy and Sarah. It was a fun night and I miss Chris (and all the other JTA creatures, globe trotting bastards the lot of them) but back to the scratch paper. I found it pinned under the clothes hamper, and hurriedly scrawled across it in blue ink are three "life lessons" Leal pulled out of one Enta's latest productions.

No one cares if you're miserable, so you might as well be happy.

There's plenty of time to be dead so live life

If you can't solve it, its not a problem. It's reality


Note on the last one: FINALS WEEK

Saturday, September 06, 2008

An afflicted kender buckle whore...

...looks like this. :D

Hello everyone, meet Mistah Ripple Pickapocket... he has issues.

This is a character sketch that I made for rj's character in the upcoming October campaign. For the uninformed, kenders are a playable race that originally came out in the DragonLance setting for D&D. They're basically annoying little bastards. Small, with high pitched voices and crazy dexterity scores, your average kender is a happy bugger (think ADHD), really curious, and has a penchant for... picking things up. Quite appropriate if you want to play a rogue, which is what Rj will be doing. Striker!!

But wait! you say, this kender looks far from peppy, and it doesn't have a topknot! Ah, but you see, mr. pickapocket is an afflicted kender. And that makes all the difference :P Afflicted Kender are kender who've undergone severe trauma that basically turns them emo. This explains the hair and the hollow look in his eyes.

I haven't edited out the original notes yet, though I did adjust the levels in photoshop so that the line art wasn't so washed out looking. Level adjustment is love! though probably not more so than multiply layers which I will abuse once more for the coloring ^_^

I can't post anymore details about the character (We have to keep his stats a secret from Luke the evil, evil Dungeon Master!) but you probably don't want to hear about it anyway ;P haha this was just wicked fun to draw and a wonderful way to burn time :D