just a little less sane than yesterday

Thursday, March 05, 2009

fucktards and dirtclods

A few clods of dirt wobble like people who've had a little too much to drink and roll out of the way as the soil starts to rise up into a little molehill. The mound shakes a little, getting a little taller and expanding horizontally. By all accounts a mole should pop out some time soon.. Except that moles don't seem to be that common of a creature in the Philippines. Which is one of the little reasons that my heart weeps in the evenings on the second day of February each year. But my heart's kind of retarded like that because moles aren't groundhogs though I suppose I'd take either really...

As usual I digress.

I miss digressing. I miss a lot of things. In the months since I left my multiply to gather cobwebs and dustballs, things have slowly gone to pieces and I've been too ashamed to admit it. People are used to me being peppy and cheerful and with a ready smile from ear to ear despite the pointed lack of substance abuse. *flashes patented maniacal grin* I decided to cover up the cracks in the wall by putting up pretty pictures. Which is stupid because you have to stick nails in the wall for the pictures to hang on and given the cracked walls metaphor you can see why this is not the best idea in the world. I had a lot of pretty pictures. It was easy. But when it starts to rain and the cracks have branched off to the roof and you're sitting in a puddle of uncommonly cold rain water on the fringes of what should be summer time, surrounded by representations of reality, altered to be aesthetically pleasing... well, you feel like a fucktard.

And I'm too smart to be a fucktard.

This isn't to say that life's been a complete bitch the past few months. Honestly in some respects it's been kind of wonderful. Once more I find myself surrounded by amazing people who, though few in number are worth more than *insert random popular person's name here*'s entire list of facebook contacts. Where do you think I got all the pretty pictures from? :P But like I said, I'm too smart to be a fucktard. So it's time to acknowledge that there are some things that are really shitty and that now's the time to stop hiding in the corner and waiting for them to go away. Now's the time to shoot them with a shotgun and drag out the carcasses to be burned in the enchanted forest of yonder in the north. There are mango trees there. They'd like the smoke. And once that's done I can plod my way back and get to work on rebuilding my little room.


Something pokes out of the soil. What may have passed for a mole nose for maybe half a second rises further and dissappoints us all by revealing itself to be nothing more than a furry finger. It is soon followed by four more. The mound breaks, and the paw is followed by and arm, which is soon followed by a head and then a torso as the buried body wiggles it's way clear of the dirt. The gani bear flops out on to the ground in front of the fresh hole, snuffling and hocking up mudballs (spitballs with oomph) irritated but feeling much better than she has in a while. She lays there for a while, brushing herself off distractedly, thinking happily about how much lighter it feels without several feet of dirt on top of her and whehter or not she can get away with not taking a shower.

Public service announcement: Gani bear is back. You may want to hide the peanut butter...

P.S. I can't believe I've used fucktard three (now four) times in one post. LOL.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

to get the ball rolling.../ If I were a Disney Princess, I'd be Ariel

I will be posting a brainless survey entry. Sooooooooo much has happened and there's a whole buttload of things to write about but I think I'm going to pace myself. This also gives me time to sort out which stories I want to share properly and which ones I will save for my enumeration post. Hohummhumm. Anyway, off we go...

[ ] One of your parents is dead
[ ] You are expected to do a lot of chores
[ ] You love to dress up
[x] You love animals
[ ] You are waiting patiently for your Prince Charming
[x] Your mom is really strict
[ ] You have sisters who seem kind of jealous of you
[ ] You’re afraid to speak your mind sometimes
[x] You have left your shoes at a friend’s house before
[x] You have hair (I really don't see how this is particularly Cinderella-ish)

[ ] You’ve kissed someone your friends didn’t like
[ ] You’ve been lost in the forest
[x] You love to read
[-] You are not shy at all, and not afraid to speak your mind (this is half no, half yes)
[x] One of your family members is a bit weird (ALL my family members are a bit wierd)
[ ] You have done volunteer work
[x] You have a wild imagination
[ ] You love to take care of people in need
[ ]You’ve had guys like you only because they think you’re pretty
[ ] You’ve rejected at least one person when they’ve asked you out
TOTAL: 3.5

[ ] Your dad is very rich/important
[ ] You are very clever
[ ] You’ve been with someone way different from you
[x] You’re unique and different from everyone else
[x] You’d never marry someone just because they were rich
[x] You have set a lot of goals for yourself
[ ] You don’t have a lot of friends
[x] You’re independent
[ ] You are wealthy
[ ]Your parents try to control your life

[x] Your parents expect a lot from you
[ ] You really try to follow the rules, but it’s hard for you
[ ]You’re a bit of a trouble maker
[x] You’re the youngest in your family or in the last 2
[ ] You have a lot of sisters
[x] You collect something
[x] You have/had long hair
[x] You have/had a pet fish
[x] You’re extremely curious
[x] You believe everything people tell you/you’re a bit gullible

Snow White:
[ ] You know that you’re beautiful
[ ] Sometimes it seems like your mom is jealous of you
[x] You’ve almost been killed (I have a bad history with crossing roads)
[x] You have at least seven good friends
[x] You’ve had food poisoning (chowking gaahh)
[-] You have/had short hair
[x] You get along with almost everyone
[x] All of your friends are different
[x] You love to have a good time
[ ] You’re happier when you’re in of the house than outside
TOTAL: 6.5

[x] You can be a tomboy sometimes.
[ ] People wish you could be a bit more (a bit more what?)
[ ]You’ve pretended to be someone you’re not
[x] You’ve had a physical fight with someone
[x] You have/had considered running away from home
[ ] Your parents try to plan your life out
[x] A lot of your friends are boys
[x] You sometimes find yourself in bad situations
[x] You love your family so much that you’d do anything to protect them

[x] You live/have lived with someone other than your parents
[x] You almost died at a very young age
[x] You are gentle, loving, and/or thoughtful
[x] You have a decent singing voice
[xxx] You like to sleep in late on the weekends
[ ] You spend most of your time outside
[ ] You’re adopted
[ ] You’re very romantic
[ ] Pink is one of your favorite colors

[ ] You love to walk around and explore big cities
[x] You are more spiritual than religious
[ ] You’ve been in an interracial relationship
[x] One of your family members is dead (both grandparents on my mother's side)
[x] Your parents are very protective of you
[ ] Someone you know has been in war
[ ] You love nature
[x] You have/had black hair
[x] You would love to move somewhere beautiful
[x] You’re very adventurous

Take the princess’s name that you got the most in and repost…if you have more than 1, play eeny meany myny moe with them until you get an answer and…

Repost this as, If I were a Disney Princess, I’d be _____

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

this isn't fill in the blanks...

...though you probably automatically do anyway xD but that's the problem with making assumptions. Taken from loi who was linked to by Dea :P


This made me lol and feel infinitely better after all the paperwork.. I think I've been spending too much time around guys lately xD

Saturday, September 20, 2008

only too true

I was cleaning... to avoid studying for a while... and came across a bit of scratch paper from Chris's last night out in Manila (this was more than a month ago and just goes to show what a disorganized creature I am) We had dinner--after wandering down the entire length of the strip like area across from MoA--at some place where we polished of a taster platter and rice good for "5" people while chatting continuously over the live band playing oldies jazzish ewan songs.

With it still being relatively early we went for dessert at Friday's where we met up with Anjo and his entourage, composed of Freddy, Leal, Elise, Magsy and Sarah. It was a fun night and I miss Chris (and all the other JTA creatures, globe trotting bastards the lot of them) but back to the scratch paper. I found it pinned under the clothes hamper, and hurriedly scrawled across it in blue ink are three "life lessons" Leal pulled out of one Enta's latest productions.

No one cares if you're miserable, so you might as well be happy.

There's plenty of time to be dead so live life

If you can't solve it, its not a problem. It's reality


Note on the last one: FINALS WEEK

Saturday, September 06, 2008

An afflicted kender buckle whore...

...looks like this. :D

Hello everyone, meet Mistah Ripple Pickapocket... he has issues.

This is a character sketch that I made for rj's character in the upcoming October campaign. For the uninformed, kenders are a playable race that originally came out in the DragonLance setting for D&D. They're basically annoying little bastards. Small, with high pitched voices and crazy dexterity scores, your average kender is a happy bugger (think ADHD), really curious, and has a penchant for... picking things up. Quite appropriate if you want to play a rogue, which is what Rj will be doing. Striker!!

But wait! you say, this kender looks far from peppy, and it doesn't have a topknot! Ah, but you see, mr. pickapocket is an afflicted kender. And that makes all the difference :P Afflicted Kender are kender who've undergone severe trauma that basically turns them emo. This explains the hair and the hollow look in his eyes.

I haven't edited out the original notes yet, though I did adjust the levels in photoshop so that the line art wasn't so washed out looking. Level adjustment is love! though probably not more so than multiply layers which I will abuse once more for the coloring ^_^

I can't post anymore details about the character (We have to keep his stats a secret from Luke the evil, evil Dungeon Master!) but you probably don't want to hear about it anyway ;P haha this was just wicked fun to draw and a wonderful way to burn time :D

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Bye bye puppy

A haircut. I've been wanting one for a while and I've needed one for an even longer time. I'd been waiting to go home and have it done at Bridges but things didn't really work out the last time I went home *see previous post* So I thought bridges be damned and got myself a haircut on Saturday after eating a late lunch with RJ at Trinoma.--We ate at this place called Bigoli which is almost exactly the same as Fazolis in Eastwood.. I sense a copycat/break-away partner lol-- He dropped me off at Katipunan before leaving to pick up his mom at the airport for some sort of Siliman Sunday in Los Banos.

The deed was done in Azta: a hair salon along Katipunan on the second floor of a building beside Rustans. It was hihghly recommended by Tara and Drea so I wasn't unduly worried. The stylist was a calm looking gay man, wearing a bright blue and green shirt that clung to the small paunch he sported. He finished the hair of the girl beside me with a flourish before turning his attention to me, commenting in slight dismay at the sheer amount of product-less hair hangning from my head. He tentatively held out a lank with his pinky cocked while I told him to chop off a couple of inches. then he snapped his fingers and an assistant came up behind me for prep.
After the wash and rinse routine, I sat myself back down and took out my chinese book to review chapter 11, catching the salon assisstant giving me a weird look as she discretely placed a selection of fashion magazines in front of me. Ignoring the well-meaning gesture i settled in and continued memorizing characters. Preoccupied with deciding whether the symbol for hui looked more like a hut or drawn stage curtains, I didn't pay a lot of attention during the actual hair cutting. I looked up at the mirror which I had been ignoring for the past 15 minutes and was surprised to see that he had chopped off more than "a couple of inches." Not that the result was bad. I've received mixed reactions but none of them were negative. It is decidedly shorter though... I shook my head experimentally, slightly weirded out by how light my head felt, post haircut, and looked down to see my freshly severed hair being swept into a pile big enough to for a small puppy. Hmmm... that explains the lightness.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Turn left, Turn right

Turn left, Turn right is the first Chinese film from Warner Bros and was featured in the Loyola Film Circle's Fete du Film, screened at Ateneo in Escaler Hall yesterday. We got extra points in Chinese for watching. The movie is in chinese (and Polish for the poem) and subbed in English. It's a sweet romantic drama/comedy with a host of facepalm moments. The protagonists, played by Takeshi Kaneshiro ( student # 763092) and Gigi Leung (student #784533) couldn't possibly get any more star crossed.

Kaneshiro's character is talented young violinist while Leung plays a translator. Both are introverted and well, kinda weird. The plot revolves around the fact that they live in the same building, but
because Leung has the habit of turning left upon leaving the apartment while Kaneshiro turns right, they never meet .

Well.. that's not entirely true. Throughout the whole movie they meet thrice ^_^ One of these times is a chance encounter in the park--the result of a gust of wind and a sheaf of papers landing in a fountain. When they get to talking, we're lead through a flashback revealing that they had met for the first time at a joint school trip 10 years previously, but only knew each other by their student numbers... Which is how they continue to refer to each other throughout the film. They get stuck in a sudden downpour and seperate after exchanging numbers... But as luck would have it, the numbers get washed out by the rain. The rest of the movie unfolds and they keep just barely missing each other. It's just a matter of minutes and meters between these two and it reaches the point of being ridiculous.

Turn left turn right is based on the book A chance of sunshine by Jimmy Liao, inspired by the Poem by Polish poetess Wislawa Szymborska entitled "Milosc od pierwszego wejrzenia" or "Love at first sight" This provides the dramatic element in the story. After having lost each other, and looking obbsessively for ages, it's rather painful to discover that if you'd just turned around, been 3 minutes earlier, taken the overpass, or turned right instead of left you would have found them. You would have wound up right on their doorstep. This wasn't the original context of the poem. But both takes on it are equally uber. Here's the excerpt that they used in the movie (though I took the liberty of splicing a bit of the original english translation and the movie translation (i.e. the english translation of the chinese translation))

Both are convinced
that a sudden surge of emotion bound them together
Beautiful is such certainty
but uncertainty is more beautiful

Because they had never met before
They are sure that there had been nothing between them
But what say the streets stairways and corridors?
Perhaps they have met a million times.

I'd like to ask them whether they remember
A moment, face to face in a revolving door
An "excuse me" muttered in a crowd
Or a curt "wrong number" in the receiver

But I know their answer
"No" they don't remember.

They would be greatly astonished to learn
that chance had been playing with them for years
Not yet wholly ready to transform into their destiny
It approached them, then backed off
Stood in their way and, suppressing a giggle, jumped to the side


It makes you want to pay more attention to the people around you instead of just tuning them out while you lock yourself in a little bubble while commuting or walking down the street, concentrating on projecting an evil aura to ward of snatchers. I give this movie a 4.5 star rating. The only reason it's not a 5 is the epic facepalm ending which I won't tell you for the sake of not being a spoiler. ;P Watch it.