just a little less sane than yesterday

Thursday, July 06, 2006

And so it continues...

This is fun... really it is! :) Im in much better spirits than yesterday so I come to spread the happiness!! wooooohoooo!!! Yeah! *raises rock hands to the sky* :O... lalang...

Ive finally resigned myslef to my fate and I dont feel quite so bad about it now. I have a problem, steps are being taken to correct it. No biggie. not really. >_< *shakes head* bleeeccchhhkkk... moving on with our lives...

Now, you may all be wondering what triggered this sudden change in mood (or you might not, but if youre reading this I feel obliged to bother you with the reason anyway...) The answer ladies and gentlemen is simply this. I FOUND A COOL BOOK!!!! Yaaaaayyyyyy!!!! See? I take pleasure in the little things. which subsequently turn into big things for me :O lalang.. I find that books are a sure fire way to make me happy. Hence the screen name prosepusher... I get something like a lit high. Its like my equivalent of drugs... hahaha... O_O Oh yes, the book that Im reading right now is called "Last Cantata" by Philip Deliesis (or something like that, the guy has a wierd name...) its ssssoooooooo cooool.... :O or it is for me anyway... it flashes back and forth in time, telling the story of the great composers and their "secret" to great music... It starts off with Bach then Mozart, Beethoven, Wagner, Mahler... thats as far as Ive gotten. basta!!! I loike eeett... reeeallly Oiiiii doooooo :D (ngek, mole speak...)

oooohhh... would you look at that, Freddy Mercury just walked by...

Not the REAL Freddy Mercury, (Well yeah Im psychotic, but delusions aren't one of the manifests...) Im reffering to Mark's friend... the one we met in McDo last saturday. I dont know his real name, so Freddy's as good as any dont you think? The resemblance is striking. Except for the poofy hair and the 'bandanna' (fo lack of a better term) and stuff, and he doesnt appear to be gay... but seriously, hed probably win first prize in a look alike contest. I wonder if he plays the piano/guitar/ sings.... that would be cool...

Speaking of bands, I joined the Finance dept of AMA. Everyone else is in Enstrat but I dont really care... they have all kinds of cool projects, (fundraisers, and the like...) One of which was a concert, pina battle of the bands style I think??? I dunno... It sounded really fun :O besides if I stayed with the Q1 people all the time (lovely as we all are...) Im pretty sure theyd get tired of having me around... One of the reasons I gave for "why should we not pick you for AMA?" was that Im overly cheerful. Ive learned from experience that this bugs a lot of people. *shrugs* Ive been working on that, really I have, but I still come off as a bright sunny pain in the ass...


Do you know what I just realized? The more tim I spend here... the less time I have with that book I told you about. Nooooooooooooo!!!








Blogger Stephanie Tornilla said...

Marts.... can I just keep calling him Freddy? I like it better than marts ;P

9:14 PM  

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