just a little less sane than yesterday

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

post valentines ire

I am single.

No, this is not a desperate cry for any and every male within a hundred mile radius to come and alleviate this condition. It is simply the statement of a rather obvious fact. Frankly speaking, if you aren't geekishly adorable, and into books, art, and rock'n roll, I'd appreciate it very much if you stayed right where you are.

This post is not about my need for a boyfriend, but rather my need to have people stop telling me about theirs. Everyone is turning me into their emotional toilet. Case in point, a good friend of mine has come to the point where the only thing she wants to talk to me about is the newly found love of her life and all the drama entailed in this discovery. He's so handsome. He's so sweet. He's so hot. He's so god damn wonderful. alternated with: I'm not sure about the relationship. I have these insecurities. Is he manipulating the situation? Repeated non-stop until my brain shrivells into a tiny little dried up prune and falls out my abused ear. Up until this point I really enjoyed spending time with this girl. Right now she's just bugging me to death.

Sadly that last statement was an exaggeration. And I say sadly because if she actually did literally bug me to death, and I died, I wouldn't have to put up with her yapping anymore.

I used to think that I was a wonderful friend and would take joy in any of my friends conquests in the uncharted (for me anyway) dimensions of boy-girl relationships. Barring recent circumstances, I was. But now, the sight of my love drunk peers inspires much loathing, blood lust and thoughts of genocide, within me. Blood and gore running through the streets, literally painting the town red. That is the color of love after all.

In light of this, it seems that a change to the first statement of this blog post is in order...

I am a bitter single.
A very, very bitter single...

Monday, February 19, 2007

As hell week approaches

As Hell Week appraoches...
We must learn not to freak out. We must learn not to freak out. We must learn not ot freak out.

We must learn very quickly.

It seems that I have a lot coming up for me this week, and it'll probabaly spill over into next week as well. Half of it all is Eng/Lit related (Thank you so much Sir Exie) but Im not really here to rant about that. :) *people reading let out a sigh of relief* In fact I'm not here to rant at all. *people reading visibly relax* Having sad that, I must confess that I do not in fact know what I am here for. * cue whop3x music as readers simultaneosly hit their foreheads with the heel of their hands*

I guess this is another lala post. I just sorta felt the need to write something. Anything. I have to submit a paper by this Friday and well... I think it would be helpful if I were to oil the gears so to speak, sharpen the saw, get those creative juices flowing, stretch out my writing muscles, get the ball rolling, get back into the swing of things, ... starts running out of metaphors... To uhmm... rev up the old engine, warm up to the idea, get back on the horse ...is at a loss... uhhhmmm... trick the turtle out of its shell and coax the cockatoo into saying something profound. ?? Haaaaayyy... would that I did have a profoundly intelligent well-spring of information and inspiration albeit in the form of a cockatoo. It would be rather cool if I do say so myself. Okay... that was lame... and yes, I just used the word lame. that in itself is lame as well.

I seriously have the great fear that all my communication skills are going down the crapper. My bisaya gets bulol. My English is fading into conyoticisms and my Filipino... was probably lost to begin with so lets not even get into that. -sigh- What's wrong with me? (And yes I know that there are infinitely many answers to that particular question but in the spirit of non-pilosoponess let's confirm that that was a rhetorical question.)

time has passed in the typing of this nonsense. Which makes me think of waiting for Godot... In a way it was a very good play. And in other ways It was shall we say... uhmmm... not. I may write about it in the future whilst waiting for my own Godot if I don't feel too lethargic (the chances of that happening don't seem particularly good though ;p wakekekeke) Its funny how that stupid play sticks with you... Hahahaha...

Sorry... inside joke... with myself.

I seem to have a lot of those. ;p muhahahahaha....

Anyway. Lest you all decide to kill me just to make me stop writing gibberish I think Ill stop here. God I'm out of practice. The whole post is crap really. But since you dont know where I live at this point in time, Ill take comfort in the fact that you cant come after me and kill me for posting something as bad as this :D

Monday, February 12, 2007

How time flies

I cant believe its been almost a month since my last post. if you can call that a post, that is. Hahahahaha... So I guess I'm a bit tired of being emo (it is sort of draining isn't it?) and i wanted to make a lala post :) about what you say? Good question!

Ehhhmmm you don't happen to have a good answer do you?

sigh... I guess I'm just a little out of practice. Talking on and on in relative coherence in a jolly manner isn't as easy as all we jolly people make it out to be. Or it could just be that I have a problem with it, in which case you should go find a more adept jolly person :) The first and most obvious topic that comes to mind is Valentines (what with the date proximity and all.) Hey, not all blogs have to be profound. And if you want one of those, well, go look up a Buddha blog... road to enlightenment stuff should be rather profound right? Yeah... So anyway...

In case you have just come out from under the rock where I have been spending my days, Valentines is only two days away! And everyone (to a certain degree, on some level) is thinking one word. A word that assails everyone at about this time of year, surrounding them in a mist of frills and pink rose scented mist. a single one syllable word made of four measly letters with boatloads of connotations attached, as well as the power to illicit a wide range of reactions. From the timid blushing smile of a young school girl, to the cuss screaming axe waving rampage of an enraged bitter single. ah yes. That word.

The L- word.
And you all thought the F-word was bad.

Well as Gogo (sorrry ah, nag discuss man gud mi ug Waiting for Godot... they were right it is the play where nothing happens... twice) would say: "Nothing to be done." Valentines is coming and its not like you can stop a world wide holiday (though how cool of a super villain would you be if you could right?) So the best you can do is roll with the punches and laugh at this silly holiday straight in its metaphorical face.


Admittedly it doesn't have that much of an effect but there you have it.

Sigh... anyway... I have a plan! and it is a lovely plan indeed!! *cackle cackle* of course... I can't tell you about it or anything... otherwise it would lose its amazing-ness. lolz... okay so it's not that great of a plan but whatever... (Dear lord am I starting to sound conyo?) bleeecchhh... anyway, yeah... I do have a plan... but you know about those plans that simply cannot be bulgar-ed on the internet, lest everyone discover the plan and spoil the surprise of it all? It's one of those plans...
Then why--you would sensibly ask me--did I even bring it up in the first place? Yet another good question!! And again, if you want a good answer you're going to have to give it yourself. ;)

Hahahaha... anyway.. that's all folks. back to the analog world I go... :) this wasnt such a bad rebound post if I do say so myself... :)
