just a little less sane than yesterday

Monday, February 19, 2007

As hell week approaches

As Hell Week appraoches...
We must learn not to freak out. We must learn not to freak out. We must learn not ot freak out.

We must learn very quickly.

It seems that I have a lot coming up for me this week, and it'll probabaly spill over into next week as well. Half of it all is Eng/Lit related (Thank you so much Sir Exie) but Im not really here to rant about that. :) *people reading let out a sigh of relief* In fact I'm not here to rant at all. *people reading visibly relax* Having sad that, I must confess that I do not in fact know what I am here for. * cue whop3x music as readers simultaneosly hit their foreheads with the heel of their hands*

I guess this is another lala post. I just sorta felt the need to write something. Anything. I have to submit a paper by this Friday and well... I think it would be helpful if I were to oil the gears so to speak, sharpen the saw, get those creative juices flowing, stretch out my writing muscles, get the ball rolling, get back into the swing of things, ... starts running out of metaphors... To uhmm... rev up the old engine, warm up to the idea, get back on the horse ...is at a loss... uhhhmmm... trick the turtle out of its shell and coax the cockatoo into saying something profound. ?? Haaaaayyy... would that I did have a profoundly intelligent well-spring of information and inspiration albeit in the form of a cockatoo. It would be rather cool if I do say so myself. Okay... that was lame... and yes, I just used the word lame. that in itself is lame as well.

I seriously have the great fear that all my communication skills are going down the crapper. My bisaya gets bulol. My English is fading into conyoticisms and my Filipino... was probably lost to begin with so lets not even get into that. -sigh- What's wrong with me? (And yes I know that there are infinitely many answers to that particular question but in the spirit of non-pilosoponess let's confirm that that was a rhetorical question.)

time has passed in the typing of this nonsense. Which makes me think of waiting for Godot... In a way it was a very good play. And in other ways It was shall we say... uhmmm... not. I may write about it in the future whilst waiting for my own Godot if I don't feel too lethargic (the chances of that happening don't seem particularly good though ;p wakekekeke) Its funny how that stupid play sticks with you... Hahahaha...

Sorry... inside joke... with myself.

I seem to have a lot of those. ;p muhahahahaha....

Anyway. Lest you all decide to kill me just to make me stop writing gibberish I think Ill stop here. God I'm out of practice. The whole post is crap really. But since you dont know where I live at this point in time, Ill take comfort in the fact that you cant come after me and kill me for posting something as bad as this :D


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