just a little less sane than yesterday

Sunday, April 20, 2008

so much for resolve

I stare at the screen, as it sits there in all its fluorescent glory. Taunting me.

*Gani gapes at the screen*
"That's it?"


"That's IT??"


"Four and a half hours of eliciting my full emotional investment, and THAT'S how it ends??!"

"that's right"

"Ay pota..."

"Funny isn't it?"

That was an excerpt from the conversation I had with my laptop after finishing the latest manga series to have caught my fancy. I knew it would end like that. Really. After a while these things become painfully predictable... but I can't help but get emotionally invested anyway. But you know what? I've had just about enough of this. My indulgence in this form of escapism has come to an end! I'm not going to submit myself to being yanked around by my manga fan-girl heartstrings any longer! I won't set myself up for disappointment care of another half-assed bittersweet ending ever again! I refuse to invest any more time or emotion... they're not even real!!!!

A week from now

*Gani sidles up to her laptop*

"What, back for more already?"

"Shut up..."


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