just a little less sane than yesterday

Friday, April 25, 2008

unique is a euphimism for...

Weird. Yes, I am, thank you for noticing.

In an attempt to reveal the colorful eccentricities in the personalities of each and every individual with access to the internet, this online sharing exercise is being passed around. It goes something like this...

1. Having been tagged you are now obliged to publicize 6 of your minor quirks or peculiarities for the general amusement of those people who read your blog and, in particular, the person who tagged you in the first place.

2. After this you are further obliged to visit this experience on 6 of your friends who will eventually write similar entries for the general amusement of.... well, you, this time. Do this by informing them of this chain entry via guestbook memo. Then guide them to your entry for further instructions.

3. Interperet these basic guidelines in your own words.

6 weird things about me, not arranged in order of weirdness :P

1. I keep a surgical blade stashed in one of the compartments of my wallet.

Why, you ask? Because it's more convenient than lugging around a pair of scissors, plus I use it to sharpen pencils :) Its a little nasty looking, covered in lead and a little rusted on the flat side so I'll probably replace it with a new one when I get back home.. I have a box-full :D I like that it freaks people out just a bit when I pull it out. I think it does anyway nyahaha... :p

2. Sometimes I see people and think of them as the possible gene-spliced love children of a same sex couple (usually composed of friends and aqcuaintances..)

For example, I saw a random guy in the lib yesterday and thought, "If Harvey and Anjo had a kid (dont ask me how) it'd look like him" this also happens with female pairings. like the Rose-Pami love child that Rio dated(?). She had a face that was Rose shaped as well as Rose's eyes and Pami's nose. It's pretty hilarious sometimes. So if you see me giggling to myself at you, don't take offense. You didn't do anything particularly wierd.. I've probably just figured out whose love child you'd be.

3. I wear clip on earrings.

Because I don't have ear holes. Or rather, I have ear holes for the ear canal and all that but not the standard earlobe piercings. I grew up as a Seventh Day Adventist and my grandparents are pretty hard core SDAs... they sort of have it in for peircings of any kind it being morally wrong, "defiling the temple of God!" and all that. So I never got them when I was a tiny bebeh... and now that I have the option of getting them I really don't see the need.

4. My right pinky toe has been dislocated.

I did several successful sumersaults before popping the tiny joint though so its all good hehe :P I landed the wrong way while jumping on a trampoline in Cagayan de Oro last sembreak. hahaha.. bugo much. I thought that it would be fine so I didn't have it looked at right away and the day after my pinky had ballooned into this huge hemorrhage riddled digit. I didn't get back home to Cebu until a couple days after but by that time it wasn't bothering me so much anymore so I thought I'd let it slide... then this tiny girl with a huge ass maleta runs over my toe (I still wonder what the heck she had in there). So maybe it wasn't dislocated before but it sure was after that lol...

5. I have a glasses fetish :)

For me, practically any guy's cuteness factor jumps up 10% if he puts on a pair of glasses. I think I've had it since I was really little since my first crush ever wore glasses. :P I think nerdy looking peple are adorable. sue me. Current glasses clad love is Justin Pierre from Motion city soundtrack (which is also one of my fave bands...) He isn't conventionally cute at all but I love him anyway :D and he gets even more plus points since he sings (really well) AND plays the guitar (really well) AND is funny. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAO8jKMm8Wc&NR=1 guess which one :) lol...

6. I tapdance.

And I'm good at it too heh :P took it up for p.e. 2nd year first sem and it sort of stuck... I still know the steps for our final performance and can tap in time when you play the Ryan and Sharpay verion of HSMs "what I've been looking for" :) (fallap, fallap, fallap, ball change...)

There you have it. I'm a quirky person... and so are you!!!
I tag: Aids, KM, Dea, Ishee, Trish, and Ara :) nyarharhar :P


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