just a little less sane than yesterday

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Rain=no classes= POTC!!!!

WALANG PASOK!!!!! *dances around in a little circle* aja!

Just one more reason to love the rain! ^_^ class was suspended as of yesterday afternoon 12:20 pm. I think if I had smiled any wider, or any longer I would have gotten lock jaw... or at least severe facial cramps. We only had ONE class yesterday, rather than 4 :O the gods are smiling down on us! (and drooling heavily resulting in this wonderful weather that we have here :D) as a result of this timely suspension we went to watch POTC!!! *raises rock hands* Yeeeaaahhh!!

Beagle, Patti, Chris and I debated about it over lunch. To go or not to go? there were several problems, including the circulatory reasoning. If Patti didnt go, none of us would go, because welll... basta, we had reasons. If Chris didnt go, I couldnt go, because then I would have to commute back to Ateneo ALONE. (cha, like thats ever gonna happen... Nooooo frigggin way...) If Beagle didnt go, Chris wouldnt go because he didnt want to be the only one risking hs car off in some parking lot. If I didnt go, no one was going because going to POTC was my thing in the first place. If we went to greenhills, beagle wouldnt go (so chris wouldnt go, and I wouldnt go, and Patti wouldnt go alone) If we went to gateway, where everyone else was going then Chris wouldnt go because he feared for his car, and Patti wouldnt go because... thats where certain people would be. and again without chris, I cant go. Basically, it was an all or nothing situatuion. I was getting more and more depressed by the minute. (Johnny Depp 's call would be left unanswered... T.T)

We left the canteen and it seemed like everyone would not be going... T.T my face was so long it could have dragged on the wet muddy ground (effectively scratching it up and getting it infected at the same time giving me tetanus and just one more reason to be miserable) but thanks to a stop over discussion with sila Ystacey, and Ces ("I have three jokes... joke joke joke!...") we finally reached the decision to go by ourselves to Eastwood. YAY!!!

Several things about Eastwood.

1. We found a bookstore that stocks "Lolita" by Vladimir Nabokov, (oi Sir Exie!! ahahaha...) The Wheel of time series by Robert Jordan (with the ORIGINAL COVER ART) and I missed out on the Discworld books by about 3 days (damn the lack of stock!!! T.T) And they have the Bartimaeus trilogy as well... In a "shrunken" version. I really liked that bookstore!!! as in... *spaces out with a vague smile of happiness on face* hhhhaaahhhaaaaayyyy.... ^_^ Patti, (by my recommendation of course) bought 'All American Girl'. Its chick lit I know, but its GOOD. so there.

2. Patti had not yet eaten, ad so we went around looking for somewhere to eat....
Guess who we saw riding in front of us on the escalator?...

John Lloyd Cruz.

*runs around in freak out mode*
so gwapo... *blanks out with dreamy look on face*

3. We found a nice place to eat, some sort of italian food place, (although Patti admittedly dislikes pasta, she chose to eat here anyway) we spent about an hour laughing like lunatics while we talked of... things... (phallic, yonic.... >_<) and most of all, over how Beagle ate the bread sticks nonstop. We kept calling the bread basket man over to the table to replenish the stock ^_^ it was hilarious... (Or it was to us in any case ^_^) They also had bottomless Pepsi... which I think I had a liiiiiiittttllle too much of.

It finally came time to watch the movie and on our way back, who do we see standing there in front of the escalator but zee pipul who were suppossed to be in gateway!! :O They had come over to eastwood (for reasons we shall speculate over outside of this public blog... ;p Paaattttiiii!) but had booked tickets for the movie 30 minutes later. sayang!! Kuyog unta tang tanan... anyway, we only met them in passing since well, I was on a Pepsi sugar rush and didnt really register their appearance, and the movie was starting in 5 minutes....

The movie itself was good. but SSSSSOOOOOOO BITIN!!!! I wont mention any more about it in case any one hasnt watched yet. I refuse to be a spoiler.

Right after a mad dash to the restroom (again... too much pepsi) we all went home in high spirits :D Chris drove Patti and me back to Ateneo so I didnt have to commute (thank God!!)

this seems to be an extremely long post already so I think I should cut it here.... O_O :D
ahahahah.... sorry for the prattle people! Its just what I do... ;P



Blogger ishee said...

pirates of the caribs made me pee a lot. :) i guess it was the whole wooshing and splashing of the water thing. it made me pee... :) ehehehe. and to think i never do bathroom breaks during movies. hmmmm...

it's bitin coz it still has a part 3. bad movie people. :(

6:25 AM  
Blogger Stephanie Tornilla said...

They're halfway done filming man kunuhay :O .... !!!!!

I dont think its possible for me to get up to go to the bathroom in the middle of a movie... unsa akong ma-miss kaha?? Yeah... basta, you end up holding it nalang T.T I see Kidney stones in my future... hahahaha...

dili sad bad oi... naughty lang ;p

7:09 PM  
Blogger Ara said...

*blinks* john lloyd cruz?


12:30 AM  

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