just a little less sane than yesterday

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

This is a poat that Joan had on her multiply... I decided to steal it :D hehehe luv you Joanie ;x It was stolen from the original maker, a miss Sandie Low, anyway so I dont really hear a ruckus from my concious :) anyway, not all of it is true but a large portion is and I really lurv it :) ahaha... you know this is my 3 post in almost as many days... Does that mean Im getting addicted to blogging? Hmmmmm... I suppose of all the things to be addicted to this isnt so bad... ahahaha... anyway... get ready for another wonderfully long post.. ;p
we LOVE the attention
we want cute boyfriends
no matter what we say, we always want to look pretty for you
not all of us like shopping (gasp.)
we love it when you place your arms around our hips
we are insecure of your ex-whatevers
we love to cry. (ahihihihihi)
we LOVE to make you jealous, but only in hopes to get you to come grovelling at our feet--- not in attempt to piss you off
we love it when you grovel at our feet :)
no matter how humble a girl may seem, compliments always make our day
if we really love our boyfriends, he's it for us <3
if a guy we really like breaks our heart, we may act like we don't give a damn anymore, but it's actually just a cover up for the period we need to get him out of our minds
we are ALL hopeless romantics.
we REALLY don't get PORN. (this is really true.. wel atleast for me)
we all have ONE FOREVER CRUSH (and most likely, we haven't told him yet-- which is also very true)
LOVE is our favorite topic--- not BOYS. (there IS a difference)
we all believe we are beautiful, but once we see someone prettier, we start losing hope in that belief (yeah.. y s dat?!)
we ALWAYS need re-assurance
WEIGHT isn't our issue--- it's SURFACE AREA! (lol)
we don't mind making the first move (you boys take too damn long!)(ok, i dont knw about this one.. hehehe)
we hate cute guys, who know they are cute. (arrogant, self-centerd... grrr...)
we thinks QUEERS are adorable :)
most of us are repulsed by the color pink, but hell.. we like it anyway.
we're scared of giving birth
when we say we're SUCKERS FOR BAD BOYS, we mean guys who LOOK notorious--- not those who actually are
our perfect guy would be someone with the aura of COLLIN FARREL (bad boy) but the personality of MOUTH MCFADDEN (sentimental geek)
we absolutely love SURPRISES! (my truest part)
if we act scared at the dumbest parts in a not-so-horror movie, don't laugh at us and think we're retarded, we just really want you to hold us and go "don't be scared, i'm here remember?"
our view on cute guys: THEY'RE ALL TAKEN :(
we love without condition, without barriers, and with no questions. (it sucks)
you know that girl, who you guys love hanging out with so much cause you say she's just like one of the boys?--- yeah.. well believe it or not, most likely, she LIKES... ONE of the boys. (hahahahahaha!! oh really?!)
we love to camwhore.
we all believe that all cute guys have mastered the ability to CAPTURE US, LEAD US ON, MAKE US BELIEVE, SCREW US OVER, and MANAGE TO REMAIN CUTE THE ENTIRE TIME.
yes, we love girl's night outs and just bonding with our girlfriends--- but we always like to end those nights with goodnight calls from our boyfriends.
we HATE having to ask someone out to prom
we know it's wrong, but we'd like it for two guys to be fighting over us.
we ALWAYS ALWAYS think we have a chance with our crushes (SAD)
we're stronger in every aspect, except physical.
we invest highly on our emotions (not good)
our hearts are made of jelly..
we honeslty don't want to, but we give you 2nd chances anyway
cupid loves teasing us
NEW CUTE GUYS are a surefire cure to forgetting OLD CUTE GUYS who just didn't make the cut
at one point in our lives, we all wanted to be on tv.
we don't like having EXs. if our first boyfriends could be the one, we definitely wouldn't mind.
we all remember our FIRST CRUSHES.
the boys we cry the most about are the ones who don't know we exist.
we compare ourselves with other girls all the time (it's a subsonscious habit)
we like putting smileys or hearts or make code names for the guys we like on our mobile phones
remember our FOREVER CRUSH?--- yeah, well he still doesn't know it. and you know what?... he probably never will.
you know if a girl is serious about a guy if she does nothing when it comes to making moves on him. she's that serious about him that she doesn't wanna do anything that could possibly fuck it up this time.
girls love hearing about sad love stories
when a girl is a flirt--- she just hasn't experienced the pains of real love yet.
when a girl doesn't flirt--- she's gotten tired of real love.
AND, when a girl is through with love---

you know it's because of a BOY.

Monday, November 27, 2006

My Christmas anti-wishlist

I knew I told myself that I wouldnt read Ishees christmas wishlist... but I ended up doing it anyway... huhurrr... I love ishee blogs... theyre so fun :) hahahaha... anyway, releived be moi that my gift is not in fact on that list. I mean, come one, of you get someone somtheing from a list it just seems so... I dunno... effortless? Come on, put a litlle thought in to your gifts naman! Happy sila cuz its what they asked for but hindi ko ma happy giving a gift that they wont be surprised by.. so there. :P

Anyway, while reading Ishees blog I found the best quote in the world which I will share with you...

"adding insult to the injury na ata yan ha. adding salt to the wound. adding ketchup to the blueberry cheesecake. adding gravy to the shampoo."

Ang kulit no? Ahahahaha lurvit :D anyway, ishee was talking about things she didnt want to get for christmas and this particular sentiment is aimed towards receiving recycled gifts. Now, I am oppossed to giving people xmas wishlists but I do beleive that a list of things NOT to get is in order.


*Please do not get me anything furry. It gathers dust rather quickly and I already have 2 previously-white-but-now-grey cats doing that at home :)

*Animal prints are a no no....

*Nothing grape flavored or grape related. I hate grape. play it safe and dont get me anything related to fruits nalang.

*No food. I want something I can keep. My packrat instincts are adamant about this.

*No picture frames. No mugs. No figurines. Seriously, do you acually know anyone who wants to get soehing like this for christmas? How sad naman....

*I dont like useless things. If I wanted something whose only value lay in its visual appeal, Id paint myself a picture. And then get bored with it later because I cant do anything with it. figurines fall under this group.

*For the love of god do not get me earrings. I HAVE NO EAR HOLES. what am I supposed to do wih them??

*The only jewelry I wear is the necklace turned bracelet tht my brother gave me for my birthday. I feel no inclination to wear any other jewelry.

*Feel free to get me books but MAKE SURE THAT I DONT HAVE THAT ONE YET.

*I dislike plastic gifts... I dont know why...

*Im sorry beagle but I hate mickey mouse. and goofy and daffy and minnie and pluto and daisy and clarabell or whoever the heck else have you. If you even think popeye I will skewer you alive. The only acceptable cartoon character is garfield.

*Just as a precaution, I dont want you to get me anything living... or used to be living but is now stuffed/enbalmed or whatever...

*Like Ishee I ont want any recycled gifts. Ka pthetic ana oi... nuff said. recycled wrapper is fine.

:) Truth to tell, I dont really think Im that hard to shop for, mabaw ra man kog kalipay, just use your imaginations :D Happy shopping!!! mwah!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Mateo Rici

I have nothing to do. My Physics lab teacher has yet to make an appearance and so, for today, everyone's off the hook. There are 2 classes worth of nutty teenagers who dont know whether they should be happy that they dont have class or irritated at having to wake up so early for nothing. Personally I would have liked to keep the company of my matress for a while longer than I did. He wasnt around last week either, and it makes me wonder if he even knows that we were there and he should have been too.

I toddle off on my own after my classmates leave for the terror of calculus. My nose having been too stuffed up for comfortable respiration, and my eyes being to leaky to focus on the blasted squiggles I knew in the back of my mind had to be numbers, I failed the diagnostic test last sem, had then been unceremoniously dumped into math one and am now a semester behind. I suppose its not sooo bad. And then again, there isnt very much I can do about it now, is there? Not really, no.

The errant blobs that I call my feet have led me to one of the newer buildings within the SEC complex area. As I push open the doors a frigid blast of wind hits me. A sharp contrast to the stifling heat of the outside world. Another contrast is that of sound. Or rather the lack of it. There seems to be a hush over every single person in the room, bent over a desk, not a sound escaping their lips or from anywhere else. The silence disturbs me. Not to mention the paranoid feeling that if I were to breathe, everyone would hear the rasping intake and pull pitchforks from their nether regions and stab me to death. The price of defiling this silent sanctuary.

Cautiously, I inhale. Not a sound. I smile to myself and am, for other than the usual reason, very happy that my nasal passages are clear. This mini triumph of breathing in hand, my confidence grows and I decide that I have the audacity to pull up a chair. I take 4 steps past a motionless figure, either a non-to-pretty statue left there as decoration, or a gangly bespectacled boy engrossed in his copy of "Enjoying Fiction" that big orange book that I bought and practically never used. I pull the chair from the table, lifting it off of the floor in the effort to minimize any noises and wince when I hear the dull scraping sound of the chair legs on tile as I settle my posterior into the seat.

I crane my neck around, looking for signs of life and irritation. None. No one seems to have heard me or that treacherous chair. Everyone is just as silent and unmoving as before. No steely glares, scowls, or looks of loathing. Most importantly, no pitchforks. I relax. The fear for my well-being slowly seeping away, taking the tension with it. My jaw unclenches and I begin to breathe again. I am safe.

Tentatively, I begin to settle down. I bring my big white notebook out of my bag, the doggy on the cover peering at me with its adorable still life eyes. Next, out of my pocket comes my trusty zebra super-fine tip pen, just between you and me I enjoy people noting my tiny handwriting and this pen helps with the job. Lastly I take my iPod out of my pocket and sticking the headphones in my ears get ready to press play and move into my own little bubble with the spell of silence closing in around me. But before I can start any of the music, horror of horrors there is a racket. My eyes widen as I look down at my right hand pocket, as it vibrates, the distended tone of spongebob squarepants screaming from the region of my hip.

Ah shit.

The spell shatters as I grope my pocket clumsily, frantically, deperately. The tone seeming more obscenely loud the longer it plays. my ears are still ringing as the tone is cut short. I look up sheepishly to find that all eyes have turned from their books to my face which appears to have turned its trademark tomatoe red. My cheeks burn with a furnace fueled by shame that is painfully etched all over my crimson countenance.

Now they react. Now they scowl and glare with a deep disgust at this noisy, oaffish creature. They'll be bringing out those pitchforks any minute now. Slowly, I rise from my chair mumbling apologies and back out of the room as silence returns.

I think Ill wait in the caf instead.


*an initial attempt at creative non-fiction*

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Keeping the magic...

Lately my thoughts keep returning to this particular memory when I was a little kid. Theres a morning news program coming on (Breakfast if Im not mistaken) and the host says, in this jolly voice, that there are only a hundred days left til Christmas! A panel appears on the screen with a stylized 100 surrounded by snow, reindeer, and christmas trees. This freakishly huge smile bisects my face and the rest of my day tingles with the magical feeling of Christmas. I pranced around like a mountain goat on crack, smiling at everyone I met and greeting them a happy holiday season. My older classmate had been irked by my little exclamations of glee and eventually he couldnt take it anymore. He grabbed me by the shoulders as I skipped by forcing me to face him. He glared into my eyes menacingly and snarled, " THERE IS NOTHING SPECIAL ABOUT CHRISTMAS. SANTA ISNT REAL. HE WILL NEVER BRING YOU PRESENTS AND ALL THE REINDEER IN THE WORLD ARE DEAD."

To a child of 7 this is like saying that the world is ending. Tears welled up in my eyes. I was speechless, pain and confusion etched across my fat little face. How could he say those things?? How could he say that Santa wasnt real?? Of course hes real! weve never seen him... and he cant bring us presents but thats only because we havent any chimneys in the Philippines! How could he just stand there and say that all the reindeers were dead?? They just lived in the north pole, thats all! Even if the dinasours are extinct surely there are still some reindeer! And to say that there was nothing special... about CHRISTMAS??! How could he say such horrible things and not be struck down by a tinsel covered lightning bolt where he stood?!! Then the indignant side of me acted up and a shouting match took place. "LIAR!!!" "AM NOT!"... we ended the discussion with me asserting that he was a moron as I stamped on his foot. He glared up at me as he coddled his bruised toes with a look that said "There is no magic. One day youll see that too."

That day, so many years ago, I thought it would never happen. Tinsel and lights wouold always make me smile. The smell of christmas cookies will bring joy to all those within a 5 meter radius. Reindeer would never be extinct. Santa would drop our gifts off through the window. Christmas would never lose its magic. Not for me. Never.

The date today is November 16 2006. There are only 39 days left before Christmas, and I keep wondering why I dont feel like theres anything particularly special in the air. Oh I know that Christmas is still a wonderful time of year, no classes, lots of food and not to mention the presents. The magic is still there. Its just not as strong as it was before. Tinsel makes me itchy and after last years LED light project for Electronics, Ill never look at series lights the same way again. I have yet to see a reindeer and Santa stuck with his chimney rule.

Now I know that, one day, the magic might die. Christmas may indeed lose its magic. But for now at least. . . I still feel the need to go Christmas shopping :)


Friday, November 10, 2006

short. not sweet

My Last day in Cebu... going to spend it packing. After this class starts up again. Can't say I'm really looking forward to the new semester. A slight sense of dread is looming off in the back of my mind, slowly coming to the forefront. Keeping this post short to make up for the terribly long post previously. sigh... nothing for it then. things dont pack themselves I suppose.
