just a little less sane than yesterday

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Keeping the magic...

Lately my thoughts keep returning to this particular memory when I was a little kid. Theres a morning news program coming on (Breakfast if Im not mistaken) and the host says, in this jolly voice, that there are only a hundred days left til Christmas! A panel appears on the screen with a stylized 100 surrounded by snow, reindeer, and christmas trees. This freakishly huge smile bisects my face and the rest of my day tingles with the magical feeling of Christmas. I pranced around like a mountain goat on crack, smiling at everyone I met and greeting them a happy holiday season. My older classmate had been irked by my little exclamations of glee and eventually he couldnt take it anymore. He grabbed me by the shoulders as I skipped by forcing me to face him. He glared into my eyes menacingly and snarled, " THERE IS NOTHING SPECIAL ABOUT CHRISTMAS. SANTA ISNT REAL. HE WILL NEVER BRING YOU PRESENTS AND ALL THE REINDEER IN THE WORLD ARE DEAD."

To a child of 7 this is like saying that the world is ending. Tears welled up in my eyes. I was speechless, pain and confusion etched across my fat little face. How could he say those things?? How could he say that Santa wasnt real?? Of course hes real! weve never seen him... and he cant bring us presents but thats only because we havent any chimneys in the Philippines! How could he just stand there and say that all the reindeers were dead?? They just lived in the north pole, thats all! Even if the dinasours are extinct surely there are still some reindeer! And to say that there was nothing special... about CHRISTMAS??! How could he say such horrible things and not be struck down by a tinsel covered lightning bolt where he stood?!! Then the indignant side of me acted up and a shouting match took place. "LIAR!!!" "AM NOT!"... we ended the discussion with me asserting that he was a moron as I stamped on his foot. He glared up at me as he coddled his bruised toes with a look that said "There is no magic. One day youll see that too."

That day, so many years ago, I thought it would never happen. Tinsel and lights wouold always make me smile. The smell of christmas cookies will bring joy to all those within a 5 meter radius. Reindeer would never be extinct. Santa would drop our gifts off through the window. Christmas would never lose its magic. Not for me. Never.

The date today is November 16 2006. There are only 39 days left before Christmas, and I keep wondering why I dont feel like theres anything particularly special in the air. Oh I know that Christmas is still a wonderful time of year, no classes, lots of food and not to mention the presents. The magic is still there. Its just not as strong as it was before. Tinsel makes me itchy and after last years LED light project for Electronics, Ill never look at series lights the same way again. I have yet to see a reindeer and Santa stuck with his chimney rule.

Now I know that, one day, the magic might die. Christmas may indeed lose its magic. But for now at least. . . I still feel the need to go Christmas shopping :)



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