just a little less sane than yesterday

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

This is a poat that Joan had on her multiply... I decided to steal it :D hehehe luv you Joanie ;x It was stolen from the original maker, a miss Sandie Low, anyway so I dont really hear a ruckus from my concious :) anyway, not all of it is true but a large portion is and I really lurv it :) ahaha... you know this is my 3 post in almost as many days... Does that mean Im getting addicted to blogging? Hmmmmm... I suppose of all the things to be addicted to this isnt so bad... ahahaha... anyway... get ready for another wonderfully long post.. ;p
we LOVE the attention
we want cute boyfriends
no matter what we say, we always want to look pretty for you
not all of us like shopping (gasp.)
we love it when you place your arms around our hips
we are insecure of your ex-whatevers
we love to cry. (ahihihihihi)
we LOVE to make you jealous, but only in hopes to get you to come grovelling at our feet--- not in attempt to piss you off
we love it when you grovel at our feet :)
no matter how humble a girl may seem, compliments always make our day
if we really love our boyfriends, he's it for us <3
if a guy we really like breaks our heart, we may act like we don't give a damn anymore, but it's actually just a cover up for the period we need to get him out of our minds
we are ALL hopeless romantics.
we REALLY don't get PORN. (this is really true.. wel atleast for me)
we all have ONE FOREVER CRUSH (and most likely, we haven't told him yet-- which is also very true)
LOVE is our favorite topic--- not BOYS. (there IS a difference)
we all believe we are beautiful, but once we see someone prettier, we start losing hope in that belief (yeah.. y s dat?!)
we ALWAYS need re-assurance
WEIGHT isn't our issue--- it's SURFACE AREA! (lol)
we don't mind making the first move (you boys take too damn long!)(ok, i dont knw about this one.. hehehe)
we hate cute guys, who know they are cute. (arrogant, self-centerd... grrr...)
we thinks QUEERS are adorable :)
most of us are repulsed by the color pink, but hell.. we like it anyway.
we're scared of giving birth
when we say we're SUCKERS FOR BAD BOYS, we mean guys who LOOK notorious--- not those who actually are
our perfect guy would be someone with the aura of COLLIN FARREL (bad boy) but the personality of MOUTH MCFADDEN (sentimental geek)
we absolutely love SURPRISES! (my truest part)
if we act scared at the dumbest parts in a not-so-horror movie, don't laugh at us and think we're retarded, we just really want you to hold us and go "don't be scared, i'm here remember?"
our view on cute guys: THEY'RE ALL TAKEN :(
we love without condition, without barriers, and with no questions. (it sucks)
you know that girl, who you guys love hanging out with so much cause you say she's just like one of the boys?--- yeah.. well believe it or not, most likely, she LIKES... ONE of the boys. (hahahahahaha!! oh really?!)
we love to camwhore.
we all believe that all cute guys have mastered the ability to CAPTURE US, LEAD US ON, MAKE US BELIEVE, SCREW US OVER, and MANAGE TO REMAIN CUTE THE ENTIRE TIME.
yes, we love girl's night outs and just bonding with our girlfriends--- but we always like to end those nights with goodnight calls from our boyfriends.
we HATE having to ask someone out to prom
we know it's wrong, but we'd like it for two guys to be fighting over us.
we ALWAYS ALWAYS think we have a chance with our crushes (SAD)
we're stronger in every aspect, except physical.
we invest highly on our emotions (not good)
our hearts are made of jelly..
we honeslty don't want to, but we give you 2nd chances anyway
cupid loves teasing us
NEW CUTE GUYS are a surefire cure to forgetting OLD CUTE GUYS who just didn't make the cut
at one point in our lives, we all wanted to be on tv.
we don't like having EXs. if our first boyfriends could be the one, we definitely wouldn't mind.
we all remember our FIRST CRUSHES.
the boys we cry the most about are the ones who don't know we exist.
we compare ourselves with other girls all the time (it's a subsonscious habit)
we like putting smileys or hearts or make code names for the guys we like on our mobile phones
remember our FOREVER CRUSH?--- yeah, well he still doesn't know it. and you know what?... he probably never will.
you know if a girl is serious about a guy if she does nothing when it comes to making moves on him. she's that serious about him that she doesn't wanna do anything that could possibly fuck it up this time.
girls love hearing about sad love stories
when a girl is a flirt--- she just hasn't experienced the pains of real love yet.
when a girl doesn't flirt--- she's gotten tired of real love.
AND, when a girl is through with love---

you know it's because of a BOY.


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