just a little less sane than yesterday

Friday, August 03, 2007

Good News Bad News

There will always be good news and there will always be bad news. The question is, which do you want to hear first? The good news or the bad news?

Pessimists would argue that neither order is particularly attractive. If the bad news comes first then you won't be able to enjoy the good news, your mind being preoccupied with the bad news and the woes that shall befall you in the very near future. If you hear the good news first then what little pleasure you have coming your way would be overshadowed by the fact that there's bad news coming and you don't have a chaser since you've already heard the good news.

This aside, most people grudgingly ask for the bad news first so lets go with that.

*D-Day in 50 hours and counting.
Well, according to sir Tirol, D-Day doesn't actually mean doomsday. Rather, it was used during world war two by American troops in reference to the schedule of whatever mission they happened to be on. So the world does not necessarily end on D-Day. It isn't really even half foreboding as it sounds. Now see, I know that. Thing is, it doesn't really make that much of a difference. Because in roughly 50 hours, I'm having my second accounting LT and it doesn't matter what D-Day means. I'm still scared witless.

I've been cursing a lot lately. And that really has to stop. so I've put on a self censor. Note the use of witless instead of shit-less. I've also decided not to hang around certain people for a while. This is bad news in the sense that my social life has effectively been put on hold while I alternately boil my tongue and brain in hot water and dunk them in 70% alcohol concentrate.

*Come hither all ye troglodytes.
I've changed classrooms and they're not letting me keep Liezel. So i had a new kid for nstp today. Her name is Sherilyn. It seems they've given me a little trog after all. She doesn't smell (thank God for small mercies) and her nose is snot free but I think that that's because its all up in her noggin. She gets it after a while (a looooooooonngg while) but the layer of snot encasing her brain seems rather thick, so it takes a lot of doing. I wasn't the cheery, brilliant, funny teacher that I was last week. she just sucks the joy of teaching into the void that is her brain where it shrivels and dies an agonizing death swimming in blank stares and mispronunciations.

*I haven't really talked to any of my friends since Tuesday.
That's probably because there's been very little class the past few days. I can't believe I actually miss Fil (one of the only subjects I have with my beloved ex-blockmates) It's actually gotten that bad. I haven't even really talked to Mylene much and were roommates! It's just depressing.My psych test may say that I lean to introversion but I'm still an extrovert. I crave human company. sigh... I'm probably gonna go around hugging people on Monday and freaking them out. And well, the thing about hugs... *shrug* 3 people know what I'm getting at.

Always look on the bright side of life, too-doo-too-doo-di-doo-di-doo-too... (the old nike commercial song... remember? :D)

*There are two long weekends coming and once I get the green light from my various teachers (by which I mean that they won't be assigning me boatloads of homework on the said weekends) then I get to go home :) And that thought's just something that's been making my day for the past 3 days. I don't think I could take not going home for the whole sem. I've been going batty as it is and well... I just miss Cebu. and my family and my pets and being HOME.

*Things are continuing swimmingly on the org front.
Heights is just about as happy as ever it was :love:
CFA night has been postponed (more time to fiddle with decor! yehooo)
We're starting to gear up for Midautumn gratia
I've been accepted into the Celadon artstaff :)

*my collection of pretty people pics is slowly growing :)
Jesse Bradford (poor boy) has been ripped out of the entertainment section and ceremoniously plastered to my closet door. it's pathetic that I'm limited to newspapers but I don't mind. I'm too much of a cheapskate to print or buy posters anyway (and that bit about the posters is academic. I'm not such a fangirl that I'd buy posters... it seems freaky to me for some reason *shrug*) Funny thing though... my picks-> Otavio Licad Meneses, Adam Brody, and Jesse Bradford look... well a bit alike.. hehehe... and to my roommates they look Jewish (??) I am now the anti-Nazi. Ah well... I'd take being a fan girl to a fascist any day thank you very much.



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