just a little less sane than yesterday

Monday, May 12, 2008


"..What's this?" says the Gani-Bear. She pulls the dart from her rump as a jeep screeches away; maniacal laughter trailing in its wake. Perplexed, she examines the pointed object in her claws and squints at the words "Tag! Love, Crissy." printed along its length, in elegant, curling script. "Huh.." She hobbles off to her cave with the awkward gait of someone who has recently been shot in the ass, selects a double barreled shot gun and shoots the following 11 people before surreptitiously running away into the forest:
Tara, Dea, Aids, Alyx, Ara, Claire, Joan, Trish, Mel, Andrew, Ishee

And here ends the extended metaphor.

This is another (uber long) tag post that I'm going to indulge in since 1. According to the rules of engagement, those tagged cannot refuse. and 2. I'm hiding from my histo reading assignment. shhhhhh... So anyway, rules say: Answer all questions and change one that you don't like for one of your own, and tag 11 other people who can do nothing but submit to your tagging authority. You're probably thinking, "Samuka oi, 11 pa jud ka tao iyang gi damay" (edit: or you would if you were bisaya) The thing is, the rules don't say that I have to tell them they've been tagged; so unless they find out on their own, I don't think they really have to do anything about me tagging them. So they're safe as long as they don't read my blog, and therefore I'm not doing as much damage as the people who started this would like. Haha take that.. (passive aggressive resistance? :) what for, I have no idea...) anyway on with the post "proper" (though when my posts are ever proper is oh about... never.)

1. If your lover betrayed you, what would your reaction be?

If he (hypothetically) betrayed me I'd (hypothetically) rip out his guts and use them to decorate a Christmas tree as prescribed in old Germanic tribal tradition....hypothetically..

2. What will you do if you do not share the same feelings as the person who likes you?
Be honest about it, introduce them to the concept of squelching and try my best to avoid being alone with them.

3. What's your take on same-sex marriages?
These people love each other enough for the technicalities and problems of their union (in a society oppossed to it) not to bother them and they
laugh in th face of convention. I salute.

4. Are you confused as to what lies ahead of you?

Yes, very much so.

5. What's your ideal lover like?

Hooo boy thats a whole 'nother post altogether... ;p

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone else?

Being loved by someone. You can never truly love if you've never been loved so the cycle of "blessedness" starts there.

7. If the person you like does not accept you, will you continue to wait for them to change their feelings?

No. That's just sad, and demeaning. Squelch and move on to better, happier things. Getting hung up over someone who doesn't return your affections is a grand (and rather painful) waste of time.

8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
Back away. As a rule I try to avoid conflict and this is just a shitstorm waiting to happen.

9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy recently?

Yes. See previous post for details.

10. What do you want most in life?

Can we put this question on hold until I find out? :)

11. Is being tagged fun?

The fun-ness waxes and wanes but its generally an amusing way to kill time, yes.

12. If you found out that your best friend is going out with your boyfriend/girlfriend, how would you react?

I really can't imagine this happening since my friends are loyalists and one of my best friends is a guy... (THAT would be hella awkward). I'd probably be hurt, angry, and refuse to speak to either of them for quite some time. After I allow them to explain, my bestfriend would probably be let off the hook but I wouldn't be as warm towards the ex-boyfriend anymore.

13. Who is currently the most important person to you?

I don't rank the people in my life, thats sort of a retarded thing to do. If I had to it would probably be my mom though.

14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
Oh dear, how to quantify a Crissy? hohumm...She's sweet first and foremost. A wellspring of warmth, love, and affection for her friends and family (who play a huge part in her life) She's generous to a fault even with people she doesn't really care about. At times she can be excitable and obsessive (Regine... cough.. cough) but when you need her to be there for you she sobers up, sits you down, and really, really listens to you. She gives good advice and great hugs too ^.^ She's one of the best kind of friends anyone could ask for. (char char char! virtual hug dear ^.^)

15. Would you rather be single and rich or married and poor?

Can I be middle class and engaged? :) haha but seriously, between the two? Single and rich. Being single is relatively easy to remedy if you ever decide to go that way but poverty puts undue stress on a marriage and I'm just saying that getting married when you aren't able to comfortably support yourselves (or the family you will presumably start) is like shooting yourself in the foot.

16. If the person you secretly like cannot recognize you, what would you do/how would you react?
Re-introduce myself and good-naturedly poke fun at his bad memory. If he consistently fails recognition tests I'd eventually have to declare him a turd for brains.

17. Would you give your all in a relationship?
Of course not. I'd like to think that I'm more well rounded than that. Putting all of your focus on any single thing isn't healthy... moreso for a relationship which, lets face it, isn't the most meritous thing in the world. You'll just end up burning yourself out and getting upset at your partner (who you will probably perceive as not putting as much into the relationship as you ...because he isn't)

18. If you fall in love with two persons simultaneously, who would you pick?
Given that their merits balance out in such a way that it becomes impossible for me to decide in any objective sense and them being equal in all other unquantifiable things... I'd have my family and friends pick who they think is best for me. I trust that they know me and care about me enough to make the right choice when I can't.

19. What type of friends do you like?
Neurotic, interesting, and generally intelligent people. All of my really good friends, the people I click with the most, are at least a little bit of all three :) They're nice too of course, but that's a given really.

20. What's your take on Machiavellian ideals/Would you kill a child to save the world?
(this is my question by the way...I though the pranking one was sort of retarded) This stems from one of the plot lines from "looking for group" a webcomic based on WoW that I follow semi-religiously. Personally, I think Machiavelli had a point and most of us are Machiavellian, if in a bland way, almost every single day. When you tell white lies for example, the morally wrong means of dishonesty are justified by the overall good end of keeping the peace etc. And I know a lot of you're gonna get pissed but yes, I would kill a child to save the world. Not that it wouldn't be hard. I wouldn't be human if it wasn't hard and it's not like I have a god complex or anything. But think of it this way, If I don't kill him/her the world ends and they die anyway.

*shrug* I'm cold and twisted that way I guess (and looking over my other answers, it would seem, completely unromantic as well). Post ends here, since I can't possibly put off histo any longer. I'd actually like people to comment on the last question... I might make a seperate post when there's more time.


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