just a little less sane than yesterday

Friday, July 21, 2006

Home sweet home

Theres nothing like waking up in your own bed at 9 in the morning with a cat sitting on your head. Its a really hard feeling to duplicate... (particularly the bit about the cat). So, guess where I am? :) back in Cebu for another weekend!

Truthfully this does complicate my schedule to a certain degree (I cant believe Im missing the A.D.S. intro sem T.T) but if I hadnt come this weekend I wouldnt have been able to go to beagles pre-debut thing... :O nasty nasty videoman-creature....

Seriously though, Im happy I came back. You know the feeling of security you get from being on your own turf? (home court advantage, for all you jocks out there) Yeah... Im feeling that right now. Its (as always) the little things...

You can totter off down to breakfast without worrying where to go, who to go with, and if the friggin caf is even open.

You can walk around in your pajamas.

You know where to find the ketchup.

Its the kind of ketchup you like
(whats the point of knowing where to find ketchup that you dont like??).

You can stay up late without bothering your roommates.

You can wake up late without being bothered by your conscience.


Theres TV.

Its airconed.

Your cats miss you and have been extremely affectionate since your arrival.

Your dog is clean, and is particularly happy to see you
(You can tell when Larry is really happy when his butt wags along with his tail).

Theres a whole bunch of new books that you can 'borrow' from your sister.

All of my art supplies and sketches are here.

The bathroom is not communal.

You can take long showers.

There is a water-heater
(which is the main reason why you take long showers)

You can listen to your music without an ipod.
(the ear thingies get a little irritating after a while)

You get to hug your parents.

You get to bother your siblings.

Your surrounded by the comforting clutter.

Everything is the way it should be.


Basically... Its just good to be home.


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