just a little less sane than yesterday

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I see the light...

"Though the sorrow may last for the night, his joy comes with the morning!"

thats a line from the praise song trading my sorrows by hillsongs (like theres any other) and its a super happy song, really... so is every move, but the message of this particular song is what got to me and perked me up :D

2 posts ago, i vented my frustration and wrote about things to be shot over. For this post ill be blogging about things to duck -and miss being hit by the bullet- for:

>>My sister came to visit me yesterday! hahaha... nya, gi-librehan pa ko ug lunch... I miss my family, so that little visit did wonders for my endorphin levels. I cut ES to hang out with her so that makes me doubly happy!!! mwahahaha... nagnu mu depressed ko magmiss ug ES? ka wa'y ayu ni Claveria ;p

>>While she was here, my sister bought me a book! yahoooo!!! I love my sister :D I have two boks lined up for reading now: AMISTAD- suppossedly this really cool emo book. and The Stolen Child, written by the author of 'the last Unicorn ;p light reading... now all I have to do is kill Abola so that I have more time to bum around and read....

>>I have found several books that prompt me to refuse to be shot until Ive read them.
-Dune Messiah
-Hey Nostradamus!
-If you could see me now
-Tipping point
-Waiting (possibly borrow from Enzo??)
-Sandman endless nights
-Going postal
-Geisha in Gion

extended reading list... Christmas hinthint to the people who love me ;p

>>We just had basketball kanina----> cancelling out my volleyball woes.

>> I feel infinitely better about my research paper...
I have not yet found the tunnel per se but Im currently on the road that enters the tunnel further along ;p my spirits have improved since I had a sort of interview yesterday with Maam Villa and shes reffering me pa to her other friend who Ill be meeting for lunch tomorrow (You're allowed 9 cuts for ES right?)

>> I pulled out of powermatch--> legitimately. and apparently Daryll ended up being partnered with Jeff so Im sure they did relatively well. I wont really know until i speak to one of them but yeah....

I dunno... I just feel so much better than I did on Saturday :O hehehe... ang labo noh? I never knew i was this emo pala ;p

we might actually get to see a proper smile tomorrow... :)

Like Sir Exie said "Theres a light at the end of the tunnel... and its not a train."

-note this is a diminished version of the original post.... blogger sucks sometimes...-



Blogger Ara said...

one more reason to duck:
la pa nato natabangan ang ice cream!

10:05 PM  
Blogger Stephanie Tornilla said...

AHHH!!!!!! Bigby's! We shall conquer you yet!!! mwahahaha!

4:02 AM  

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