just a little less sane than yesterday

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Wala na

Theres a certain sort of comfort that comes from the feeling of your fingers puttering languidly across a clackety keyboard. Its a comfort that I had almost forgotten. with the barage of papers and all the computer related requirements I was even starting to associate the keyboard with stress and that feeling of desperation you get when you have yet to start your paper, and the deadline is within the next 48 hours. Ahhh... finals week. You came, and I suffered. But now, its over. Officially over. By this time on friday, I will be sitting placidly in the airport, waiting for the pleasant call man to announce my flight number. In less than 40 hours, I will leave Manila, return to Cebu, and bum my ass off for 2 whole blissful weeks.

I will watch 2 boatloads of movies, fry my brain with TV shows, pig out on home cooked meals, read the half dozen or so books that Ive been dying to read, laag with my family and friends, take long hot baths, squeeze my pats within an inch of their lives, update my loooonnng negected devart account and sleep so long that I start to collect dust. Ahhhh yes... The joys of bumdom are within my reach... Soon to be mine! MWAHAHAHAHA.... I have officially survived my first semester, away from home as a college freshman in the dreaded BMH course. I fully intend to use the 2 weeks for recuperation.

Wala na!! FINALS WEEK (and practically the semester) IS OVER!!! It bears repeating, really it does...

With that said, I shall now return to the place that I have come to call home for the past few months. and I will try to get a headstart on some of these things--particularly the sleep and the reading. Those are a couple things that simply cant wait. :D


Blogger Ara said...

congratulations!!! :D
7 more sems to survive :)

9:08 PM  
Blogger ishee said...

sweetie, i miss you!
gah, we are all but islands apart... :)

8:42 PM  

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