just a little less sane than yesterday

Sunday, May 18, 2008


Oh look at that... its a proper title. nyahaha. For once I'm not free-writing a post. This one has a purpose! Shocking? hoho... but first a little backstory.

A little over one year ago, my sister and a few of her friends (who are at present my friends as well... gikawat/ankon nako yehey) spent the summer in Manila as cross reg students in U.P. Diliman. Under the overwhelming influence of the male members of the group (RJ, Jego.. hooray for contagious addiction :D) the female element got sucked into the mind blowingly awesome world of... Dungeons and Dragons.

To those of you who think that DnD is geeky/nerdy/lame... you are requested to leave this post and bugger off immediately on pain of heavy bludgeoning from a 1d4 19-20/x2 critical club with a +3 melee attack bonus... I also have the option of biting you.

As you can probably tell, I was sucked into the game as well. though really I'm still at the ultra noob level... Character gen still takes a while (especially the combat stats) and I've only played 2 campaigns over 3 sessions. Since the group disbanded at the end of summer and retreated to their various provinces, I haven't had anyone to play with. *retreats to sulk in the corner of the playground clutching the PHB*
My entire first sem was a desolate, accounting and calculus stricken wasteland devoid of the sublime joys of RPing. Thus I drifted away from the game, the pdf files for the core books -- in the CD my brother had thoughtfully included in my care package -- left unopened. Recently though, I've been feeling tugs and flashed opportunities to start playing again.

Firstly, I discovered (quite by accident) a number of people in my network, outside of the original group, who play the game. And couple of weeks ago, I was informed of a monthly gaming con-- Residencia 8888 pearl drive ortigas center. (I missed the May session though.. NSTP haunts me still) and I will miss the June session, since I will be physically estranged from Manila at the time of the con. I have resigned myself to that but find solace in the thought that it is after all once a month, so its not that bad :)
Also, RJ is planning to set up a campaign based on his Castle Ruthven post http://voynich.multiply.com/journal/item/62/The_Castle_Ruthven?replies_read=36. If my computer weren't such a temperamental bitch (vistaaaaaa why??) and I didn't have finals to fuss over, I'd have generated my character and intro already. but it seems those will have to wait a bit... just a bit :)

And now, I give you the reason for my post.

Hear ye, Hear ye! Game Crab Boardgame Cafe will be hosting a FREE
Gaming Weekend on June 13 & 14. From 11am to 10pm (for these 2 days),
everyone gets to play for FREE! Please visit
http://gamecrabcafe.com/ for more details!

Game Crab is found in Katipunan Avenue, in front of Ateneo, just above the Yellow Cab restaurant.

One of RJ's friends is going to be helping out with the D&D intro runs. It's like a slightly belated birthday present or something...

I'm glad you can't see how wide my smile is right now. It's scary. :D


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