just a little less sane than yesterday

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Gani bear...

...lumbers towards the back of her cave and pauses in front of an irregular shape protruding from behind a mass of vines that have long since established themselves as a rather permanent type of wallpaper. The old mirror's corner pokes out from under the growth and deftly, with pinky claw extended, she pulls aside the plant's twiney weed arms, freeing the mirror from the vege embrace. The mirror's surface has lost its lustre in the battle with mold and a strange unnamed funggus whos cap resembles a squishy corkscrew. And long scratches run down the one straight edge, from when the mirror had first been dragged into her cave through the forest from the wreckage of a gypsy cart. (violent things happen when a mule's sensitive nose is subjected to the equally violent smell of unwashed gypsy underpants). The gani-bear huddles up to the mirror, her cold nose almost touching the glass as she squints at herself; trying to spot the difference.

There is none.

Struck by the feeling of anti-climax the gani-bear plops down on her fluffy bear bum and purses her lips (which the mirror showed her, was a rather peculiar expression on a bear.) Then she shrugs her shoulders gets up and finishes the insane amount of homework for a first day back to school.

I remember mom saying once that I was born at 2o'clock in the morning. That was exactly 18 years ago :) Happy Birthday to me! nyarharhar. I've just hit a major milestone but I'm a bit too swamped with stuff to appreciate it right now I guess. Haven't slept more than 3 hours in the last 22, and I had 7 and a half hours of consecutive classes. Crazy schedules, planning an outing, finding out my philosophy 101 is in TAGALOG (I almost cried. no shit... DEFINITELY have to load rev), making an idiot out of myself (me and my social retard tendencies) side projects and hoho my teachers decide to give me homework in lieu of a birthday present. Cheap bastards. I guess the numbness from that could explain the lack of a "WOAAOW IM EIGHTEEN!! O.O" vibe.

Then again, it could be that nothing has changed. I mean, i can legally vote, drink, drive, get married, be tried as an adult. But I'm still me.

It sounds char but its kinda boring :P I was so ready for something mighty and all powerful to pop out of my belly button and give me super powers.


I need sleep.


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