just a little less sane than yesterday

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Am I really...

that taggable?? -.-' for those of you who actually bother to read the tiny blurb bit: Don't bother opening this, it's another tag post.

5 Random things you might not have known about me:

*I've recently taken to memorizing the opening/ending themes of anime that I really like. Not all of them obviously, I'm not that depraved.. *defensive* lol... My repotoire includes some of the themes from Bleach, Ouran high, Junjou Romantica (do not watch this. just listen to the theme songs...dili ko mu-elaborate...) Kyou Kara Maoh, Deathnote etc...

*Chinese food doesn't taste right to me unless I use chopsticks. Don't ask. I wouldn't be able to explain why.

*Bananas are my favorite fruit. It stems way back into my monkey child days. :P Particularly enjoyable when eaten with peanut butter (also a childhood favorite)

*I use sleep as a defense mechanism. When I don't feel well my body shuts down so I don't have to feel the pain. It's like anesthatizing myself. This is why I like sitting in the backseat, specifically by the window. In case of motion sickness it's easier to konk out.

*I have the strange habit of rereading the things I write (sometimes several times). Particularly the char things. Sometimes I'm surprised (not always pleasantly) that all that came out of me. *Thinks to self... how'd I come up with this sh*t?*

Tagged by Miss Zaki into posting 5 random things about myself... but I refuse to spread the "love" *staples a warding symbol for the tagging gods on dorm door* :P mleh.


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