just a little less sane than yesterday

Friday, June 27, 2008


in my life the past 3 weeks

-Celebrated my oldness with some friends
I turned 18 on the 11th. It was kinda terrible though. Mrs. Antonia Santos, my 166 teacher, managed to bludgeon my love for history into an unfeeling pulp with her epic levels of boringness. I spent the better part of the day running around from department to department trying to fix my whacked up schedule (7.5 straight hours of classes every Tuesday cannot go unfixed). I got rained on. I had a 6-9 class, and some crazy Arab beat up someone I know. But when I got back to the dorm, tired and disgruntled, my dorm mates made it all better :) We had pizza, laughed and mucked around like we did in first year, and I got a surprise birthday cake. That last hour completely made up for the previous 15. :) (thank you to: Mylene, Crissy Pami, Tara, Joan, Janet, Claire, Dane, Jaki, Jo and Drea)

As funky as my actual birthday was, was just as great as my "debut" was. Logistics, and well, yeah, haphazard planning on my part, prevented me from bringing all my friends along (sorry scihi people : /)but it was a blast anyway. I was kinda worried at first since the group was composed of people from my different factions of friends i.e. they didn't know each other. O.o but after a day of ice skating, great food and even better conversation, my disparate group of friends.. became friends. And I really can't properly explain how happy that made me. but I was so happy that I was kinda out of it in the van on the way home. *turns to Tara at the back of the van* "Thank you for being my estrogen friend!!" ... yeah... :) I couldn't have asked for a better debut. (Thank you to: Tara, Beagle, Trish, RJ, Miggy, Fred, Chris, Yul, Anjo and Harvey-who popped up with Anjo but who I'm glad was there anyway)

The happiness continued on after that :P after dropping everyone off at Ateneo, Miggy, RJ, Trish and I, with the addition of Howie who we grabbed from Cervini on our way back out, headed to Miggy's house in Susana Heights for a night of DnD! The first session I've played in over a year. We were using the new 4.0: uber noob friendly and super fun. See our illustrious DM RJ's blog for details http://voynich.multiply.com/journal/item/101/Castle_Ruthven_Campaign_First_Session_Results And to cap it off, on the way back to the dorm with Trish, I got myself the latest Discworld novel in all its pretty paperback glory. Making Monet by Terry Pratchett. I haven't read it yet (so many things to read for SCHOOL!! ggaaaaahh! *drowns in photocopied readings*) but it's sitting prettily on my shelf... tempting me...

speaking of school though..
-So far, I've done caricatures of 5 of my 6 teachers
I'm just missing my Philo prof sir Pasco :D I don't think I'll be drawing him any time soon though. I can't afford to break concentration long enough to draw him because dude, its PHILO. and It's not just philo (usually that probably wouldn't be a problem), it's in TAGALOG O.O Whhuuut??! Yes, I am taking Philosophy 101 in Tagalog. If Sir Pasco wasn't so cool I'd be falling through the void in the abyss of utter despair right now. As it stands I'm having fun in his class. :)

-Discovered that my French Accounting classmate is a tard-face
He was my seatmate on the first day and looked terribly lost, what with all the people around him already engaged in conversations. So, being me, I wanted to be nice... and ended up making an ass out of myself trying to be friendly. when class was over he left without a word. This week, I helped him with the seatwork Sir Lim left us before leaving for his date (yes, our accounting prof has a social life which means we usually get off a little earlier. God bless him. :D) and not a word of thanks. I'm so glad Crissy took his place as my seatmate. I wouldn't want to get in trouble with the French Embassy for braining one of their citizens with a 2 inch thick cost accounting book.

-Did well on our first chinese oral exam
Yeay chinese 2! This dialogue was supposed to revolve around basic math in chinese...which is friggin hard. You have to translate the chinese into numbers, solve the problem, and re-translate the answer into chinese. your using the different halves of your brain for that too.. stress on the corpus collosum much :| but we did alright :) possible A? haha ;p

-Have been turned into the personal assistant of my PolSci professor
He has me hunting for books by Barack Obama. *phone rings late at night*
Me: "Uh, Hi Sir, what is it?"
Sir : "I was wondering if you could borrow these books..."
Me: "Oh, ok. By when should I have the photocopies for class?"
Sir: "Oh no, these are for my personal use."
Me: "Ah..."

-Joined 5 orgs
Yeaaaahhh.. I might have been a little overzealous with the sign-ups :P but I really do want to be active in all of these orgs (impossible as that is) I joined:
*Celadon- I'm a comm and pub project manager this year (for the art workshop)
*Apart- visual arts collective
*FAS- Freelance Art Society
*CAPES- Comic Appreciation Publication and Education Society
*Toujin- basically an anime club :P
I see a pattern... hahaha. I've really gotten into drawing again (looks at the list of orgs.. no shit Sherlock...) and progress has been made if I do say so myself. I've still got a lot to learn but hey, I'm actively pursuing something that makes me happy :)

So yeah, my heavily edited, 3 weeks in a nutshell. I have backlog, my corner of the world has gained the resemblance of a war zone again and I'm basically an insomniac but all in all the past 3 weeks have been good, and I just expect it to get better. :)

Optimistic me is back ;P


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