just a little less sane than yesterday

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Semi-emo analogy...

... taken from something I scribbled during a particularly dull moment in my mind-blowingly boring history class last week-->probably explains the emoness :P

The transfer of affections is a peculiar process that though abrupt in many ways is, in others, painfully slow.

There's a bright, shiny new toy in the nursery. A velveteen rabbit; still soft and immaculately clean,with both button eyes, securely fastened and peering out brightly at the world. Untouched, and still awe-inspiring. New and improved. On the other side of the room lies the ratty old teddy bear with its thick outer coat of dust, and its stuffing peeping through embarrassing tears. Loved to bits and so battered that it's held together only by the soft bits of the love that had worn it down in the first place.

Eyes clear, with an innocent sincerity, the perfect shy smile, and a shared quirky passion. He has never let me down, never driven me to rage, never hurt me. My velveteen rabbit is more perfect than you could ever be. But all this pales in the memories of the warmth of your embrace. My heart turns to face a new exciting love, but even as I turn away from you, a certain proximity exists and the ties of old remain strong--see through but strong.

The velveteen rabbit sits prettily, on display atop the shelf. I feast my eyes upon it and clutch the battered teddy bear to my chest: not quite detached enough to put the old one in storage and not quite brave enough to dirty the new one with my fingerprints.


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